Please help

Please help
Two young Afghani brothers are sent by their parents to Europe in search of a better life. Over 4000km …walking! Could I even cover that distance with my running in a year? No way! But via Run4Refugees Tom and I together are hoping to do it in less than six months. Your donations go straight to these two brothers and others like them in need. Please support us…and them!
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Friday, November 27, 2015

Du möchtest SpenderIn werden?

So einfach geht es!

Fülle das Spendenformular auf unserem Blog aus, und sende es per Mail an .

Du hast die Möglichkeit einen einmaligen Betrag zu spenden, oder unsere Trainingskilometer vom 01. Januar bis zu unserem gemeinsamen Event an zu sponsern. Wenn Du Dir nicht sicher bist, wie hoch der Betrag am Ende sein wird, findest Du hier eine Tabelle, die Dir einen Anhaltspunkt geben kann, wie hoch der Spendenbetrag am Ende der Aktion etwa werden wird.

Am Schluss unserer Charity-Aktion werden wir Deine Daten an die betreffenden Organisationen weiterleiten, die Dir dann über den Postweg einen Einzahlungsschein, und auf Wunsch, eine Spendenbestätigung zukommen lassen.

Run4Refugees nimmt persönlich keine Gelder entgegen.


Da wir unsere Spendenbeträge den Kindern zu 100% zukommen lassen wollen, verzichten wir auf teure Werbemassnahmen. Deshalb sind wir darauf angewiesen, dass Du uns weiterempfiehlst!


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Where are you? Wo bist du?

The Cover Photo of both our Blog and Facebook site was taken by Massimo Sestini of a dangerously overloaded boat of refugees 20 miles off the Libyan coast on June 7, 2014. There is currently a project underway to trace back some of the people in the boat, to find out where they are now, and hear what they have experienced since being rescued. If you were on that boat, or you recognize anyone, please make contact ( and tell your story.  

Many thanks to Massimo for giving Run4Refugees free use of this award-winning photo -- Grazie Mille!!!

Das Cover-Photo unsere Facebookseite und auf unserem Blog wurde am 07. Juni 2014 vor der Küste Libyens von Massimo Sestini aufgenommen. Nun hat Massimo eine Aktion gestartet, um mit allen Flüchtlingen aud diesem Boot Kontakt herzustellen, und deren Geschichte zu erzählen.
Solltest Du irgendjemanden kennen, der auf diesen Photo abgebildet ist oder abgebildet sein könnte, kontaktiere Massimo unter

Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle bei Massimo bedanken, der unsere Aktion unterstützt, in dem er uns sein, mittlerweile  weltweit bekannt und prämierte, Photo kostenlos für Run4Refugees zu Verfügung stellt -- Grazie Mille!!!

Mare Nostrum, 2014, von Massimo Sestini

Sunday, November 15, 2015

My reasons for choosing the Refugee Youth Home of the Thomas Wiser House as recipient of donations (Holly)

Christmas 2014
I’ve known of the Thomas Wiser House for a while, through it’s remedial education programs and shelters for children and young mothers. But recently I was given the opportunity to visit their youth home for refugees. I was hesitant, not the least to say nervous, about visiting the home. The residents are 11 teenage boys from Africa and the Middle East, and due to the fact that Americans are sometimes not seen in the best light in the Middle East, I was not sure how they would react to me. 

Anyway, I went to visit the home with two other runners from the Armin Wolf running team (my charitable running team) along with our team founder and his wife. We brought with us food donations as well as some sporting goods, including two new soccer balls (all from private donors). We arrived in the late afternoon and the agenda consisted of “sport”, which would ideally be a game of soccer or running, and then dinner with the group. 

Upon arrival we were greeted by the supervisor who was thrilled to have us there. She introduced us to a couple of the residents: a few of the boys milling around, a couple of them sat in the community room on the pair of computers available for use and one boy sat on a couch reading a book. A moment later another boy came out of the kitchen with a loaf of bread in his hand. A few brief words from the supervisor about not eating between meals and the bread was quickly returned to the kitchen. I was impressed. The supervisor was consequent yet understanding; the boy respectful. And this was to be a recurring theme of the evening. The boys were shy at first. They were hesitant about coming out and playing soccer with us, I mean, I don’t blame them…I am a 40-something year old woman and the other two on the team included another woman (23 years old) and a young man (also 23). But eventually six of them came out with us to the field. Some had to remain at the home to prepare dinner. Each of them are required to contribute to the work in the home and have a rotational chore schedule including cooking and cleaning.

Needless to say, although I’d played soccer for years as a kid, it had been an eternity since I’d kicked the ball around except with my kids. But, old habits die hard and I quickly got my head and ‘skills’ into the game. Some of the guys were good players and all showed great sportsmanship. It was muddy and slippery and the play took on a great spirit.

Then, more than 30 minutes into the game, the impossible happened, I scored a header. 

It was a beautiful looping pass across the goal and I instinctively jumped up and headed it above the keeper and into the net! My teammates exuberantly ran up to me with high fives, hooting and hollering. I was thrilled (and pretty impressed with myself). And even as the play resumed, some of the guys were in hysterical jubilation…I asked one of them why he was laughing and he answered, “Your header…it was just like on TV!”

Needless to say, the ice was broken, the roots of friendship began to take form and my nervous anticipation of the evening was washed away.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Herzlich willkommen auf der Website Run4Refugees

Wir sind ein Team, bestehend aus zwei laufbegeisterten Menschen, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht haben sich für benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche stark zu machen.

Run4Refugees ist eine zeitlich begrenzte Charity-Aktion, die in wenigen Wochen starten, und ihren Abschluss im 100km-Lauf von Biel finden wird (

Alle Spendengelder werden wir direkt und ohne Abzüge an zertifizierte Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen weiterleiten. Die Einzahlungen der Spendengelder werden direkt von den Organisationen abgewickelt, welche dann auf Wunsch auch steuerrelevante Spendenbescheinigungen ausstellt. 

Wir haben uns zwei Organisationen ausgewählt. Holly's Spendengelder gehen direkt an die Stiftung „Thomas-Wiser-Haus“ in Regenstauf (D), Tom's erlaufener Spendenbetrag kommt (Schweiz) zu Gute. 

Und so einfach geht's:
Sende uns eine E-Mail an mit folgenden Angaben:
1.      Name
2.      Email-Adresse
3.      Stichwort „Holly“ oder „Tom“
4.      den entsprechenden Betrag den Du für den Kilometer spenden möchtest (z.B. 5 Rappen/5 Cent pro Kilometer)
5.      oder wenn Du einmalig Spenden möchtest, bitte den Namen der begünstigten Organisation und den Spendenbetrag

Am Ende der Aktion wirst Du von den Hilfsorganisationen direkt kontaktiert, und erhältst einen Einzahlungsschein für Deine persönlichen Spende. Einfacher gehts nicht!